General Members Meeting

At least once per year and open to all ECRR member and partner organisations.  Can be held in writing or by email.  Member representatives do not have to be present to vote. 

GMM outline: 

  1. Vote in the Board, changes to the Board
  2. Set fees, proposed by the Board 
  3. Any discussion items 
  4. Approve Annual Accounts and Annual Report 
  5. Any specific requirements if needed under formal ECRR Association Articles

The Board members cannot vote.
The meeting must be noted (minuted) by Secretary or other. Then adopted at the next meeting and signed by Chairman and Secretary

For ECRR's Annual Report see: Annual Report 2022



Based in Wageningen, The Netherlands and acting under the Dutch Law, see the Articles ECRR English version

ECRR Members and Partner representatives, Board Members and Associate Expert at the General Members Meeting 2019 in Vienna, hosted by IAWD, WB, ICPDR, Danube Parks and via donau.