Western Europe - the River Restoration Centre (RRC)

The River Restoration Centre (RRC)  is an independent, not-for-profit organisation formed in 1994 by members drawn from the UK public, private and NGO sectors which exists to promote, facilitate and support best practice in river, watercourse and floodplain restoration and management across the UK. 

The RRC has also developed comprehensive river-related expertise through its advisory work on over 250 projects and schemes and this expertise and the ability to transfer knowledge have been further enhanced through links with overseas organisations, in particular with the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR). The RRC manages the 'National River Restoration Inventory' which provides a unique evidence-based source of river restoration and management information with data collected from over 2000 specific cases in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.



This, together with a wealth of in-house expertise and knowledge, enables us to provide a focal point for knowledge exchange, case-specific work, guidance and mentoring. RRC also publishes a bi-annual newsletter 'RR News' and a monthly Bulletin with information about new projects, advances in science and best practice. News, announcements and upcoming events are also listed. Updates on RESTORE will also be included each month throughout the duration of the project.



To sign up to the RRC mailing list, email rrc@therrc.co.uk, or contact us on +44 (0)1234 752979. 


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