
Membership terms

Must be ‘organisations’ (they MUST be recognised by national law):

  • A corporate body (agency, authority, company, etc), or 
  • A non-corporate body (trust, other small NGO, etc).

The organisation has a nominated individual to act as its representative (or two). Individuals acting alone, not for an organisation, cannot be members.

The member organisation:

  • Needs the approval of the General Members Meeting
  • Must have compatible objectives with ECRR’s,
  • Must apply to the ECRR Board to be a member,
  • Must be accepted as member by the Board,
  • Must 'pay' an annual fee.

Membership can end or be terminated (various legal rules apply).

See for the membership fee:GMM 2017 the ECRR Member Fees.pdf

See for more infomation: GMM2017 The ECRR Members.pdf

To become a member you can contact the ECRR secretariat by Secretariat@ECRR.org