Executive Board, decided by appointment by the General Members Meeting, manages the ECRR.
There must be Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and 2 to 6 others (total of 5 to 9 persons on the Board).
Appointed for 3 years then retire. Can stand again immediately. No more than 9 years.
The Board must prepare annual accounts and an annual report within six months of the year end, and submit to the General Members Meeting. See for more information: ECRR Board Members Regulation 2018.pdf
The executive Board is currently formed of three persons and 1 advisory persons and there is a call for two more Board Members for repectively members affairs and coordinator operations.
The ECRR board meets at least once a year. Meetings are preferably held in different countries usually coupled with thematic national or international meetings and workshops. In between there are several virtual meetings, made through videoconference and/or email. Decisions are taken by the executive board based on the articles of the Association.
All members have the task of proposing and evaluating new activities that might be developed by the network as well as considering and discussing the needs and the initiatives suggested during the ECRR conferences and seminars and/or by the ECRR contacts. They also submit to the executive board inputs and ideas coming from the national centres, acting, in this way, as a reference on river restoration for each country. The executive board can invite representatives of relevant international organisations and professionals to participate as invited advisors at the board meetings.