ECCR 2014 Sessions on Multiple benefits of new integrated river restoration approaches

Keynote presentations

From local to global: realizing water security for sustainable development. video recording
Ania Grobicki, Global Water Partnership

2014 Balkan floods learning from disaster. video recording
Marina Babic Mladenovic, “Jaroslav Cerni” Institute

Multiple benefits from catchment restoration. video recording
Alastair Driver, Environment Agency UK


Parallel sessions

2. NWRM, Wetlands International

video recording

Brief introduction to facilitated breakout groups.
P. Stosser (ACTeon)

Natural Water Retention Measures explained.
C. H. Baker (Wetlands International, Netherlands)

Good enough? Evidence on multiple benefits of NWRM from EU’s NWRM Pilot Project.
G. Delacámara, C. Gomez (IMDEA)

Natural retention as a part of integrated water resources management – experiences from Central and East Europe.
T. Okrusko (Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland)

NWRM in Spain: Successes and challenges for future implementation
J. Elso (Iberian Centre for River Restoration)



5. Floods Water Supply and IRBM

video recording

Introduction - Ph. Weller (IAWD Danube water programme)

What Happened?
J. Toro (World Bank - Assessment Team)

What were the Consequences for Water Utilities?
V. Tausanovic (Belgrade Water Works and IAWD President)

NALAS activities in support to flooded areas.
J.Janevska (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe)

 A Tool for Preparing for Floods.
O. Schmoll (WHO)

Panel discussion: "What are the lessons from the Floods for Water Services and how can River management and Water Services Cooperate to Prevent and Manage Water Services in Floods Events." with representatives of:
• ICPDR: V. Donchev, President
• World Bank: J. Toro
• Water Utility Associations from Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia: D. Zejlko
• Aquasan Network: S. Zulic
• International Sava River Basin Commission: M. Bricelj
• NALAS: J. Janevska

11. Ecosystem Services

video recording

Ecosystem Services - benefits we get from rivers and wetlands.
B. Vucijak

Stakeholders’ perspectives on the practical relevance of the ecosystem services concept in Austrian river landscape management.
K. Böck (BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria)

Valuing brooks in an urban environment – residents’opinions about brook restoration in the Helsinki area.
A. Sarvilinna (Finnish Environment Institute, Finland)

Neretva river corridor – Two case studies of ecosystem services valuations.
A. Tomic-Cato (Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Building Stakeholder Engagement For Informed River Restoration and Catchment Management on the lower Shannon River SAC.
R. Ó Conchúir (Inland Fisheries Ireland)

Problems, pitfalls and opportunities of river restoration project implementation: Ripidurable and Ricover case studies.
A. Mendes (University of Évora, Portugal)

Side events


video recording

Chair: Raimund Mair, International Commission of the Protection of the Danube
• From ideas to implementation. WWF Approach for integrated river and floodplain restoration.
L. Ereifej (WWF CEE Freshwater Programme)
• Increasing scale and impact with cross-sectorial partnerships.
U. Sapiro (Coca Cola Company, Europe)
Multiple benefits of Liberty Island and side-arm restoration, Hungary.
V. Siposs
Lessons learnt from transboundary “Green Borders” wetland restoration project, Romania.
C. Tetelea (WWF DCP)



Field excursion

  1. Flood management, handout