European River Restoration Conference 2013 and RESTORE final event

On this page you will find the conference programme linked to speaker presentations, posters, photos and videos of the seminars and interviews. 

Download the conference declaration

Download the conference report

Download the Conference Programme including Session and Side Event Overview

Download the Participant List

Plenary Presentations and Videos

Wednesday 11th September 2013

Keynote Plenary Presentations: Mainstreaming River Restoration - Conference chair Bart Fokkens
 Recorded Session

The State of Rivers in Europe - Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency
 Recorded Session

The European RiverPrize - Matthew Reddy, CEO International RiverFoundation Austailia
 Recorded Session

Addressing the Challenges in River Restoration & Building Organisational Capacity to Support It - Philip Weller, International RiverFoundation ambassador
 Recorded Session

Holding up a mirror to river restoration - Fred Pearce, author/journalist
 Recorded Session

Gheorghe Constantin, Water Director of Romanian Ministry of Environment. Gheorghe Constantin, Water Director of Romanian Ministry of Environment.
 Recorded Session

The Science of River Restoration - Klement Tockner, Director, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
 Recorded Session

Practical tools for River Restoration - Antonia Scarr, RESTORE project manager
 Recorded Session

The Thames – Recovery from Biological death - Alastair Driver, Environment Agency
 Recorded Session

The Danube – Integrated Development and River Restoration - Carl Manzano, Danube National Park
 Recorded Session

Thursday 12th September 2013 - European RiverPrize Gala Dinner

Keynote Gala - Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Environment, DG Environment
 Recorded Session

Annoucement of the winner of the 1st European RiverPrize
 Recorded Session

Friday 13th September 2013

Keynote Plenary Statement – A Commitment to Rivers – Janez Potocnik, European Commissioner for Environment, DG Environment
 Recorded Session

The Future of river restoration – a panel discussion with the audience on the future of river restoration with representatives from different sectors: Joppe Cramwinckel, World Business Council of Sustainable Development; Helmut Belanyecz, European Angling Association; Helen Dangerfield, National Trust; Otto Pirker, Verbund Hydro Power AG others TBC
 Recorded Session

Keynote interview - Water resource protection, integrated water management and river restoration – Peter Gammeltoft, Head of Unit for Water, DG Environment – Interviewer Jane Madgwick, CEO Wetlands International
 Recorded Session

Restoring your river of thoughts - a performance with the Quatschtronauts, an interpreted look at the findings from the conference from a new and entertaining perspective.
 Recorded Session

Summary of the conference statement and Closing summary statements by Conference Chair
 Recorded Session 

Session Presentations & Videos

SESSION 01: Realising European Policy Ambitions 

Policy implementation challenges to mainstreaming river restoration, C. Baker, Wetlands International 


Negotiated agreements at basin scale as a tool for the integrated implementation of WFD and FD in Italy: results of a national census of River Contracts experiences (2002-2012) and future challenges. G. Gusmaroli, CIRF


Are rivers being restored in the Iberian Peninsula?, F. Magdaleno, Iberian Centre for River Restoration


Setting up a national restoration monitoring criteria, S. Koljonen, Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE


New mechanisms of WFD delivery, K. Hughes, WWF Fresh Water Team


SESSION 02: Cost-effective Solutions for River Management

An introduction to cost effective solutions for river management. Ian Barker Environment Agency.


Estimating costs and benefits of water Framework Directive implementation by Flood and Coastal Risk management at a water body scale.


A method for systematic river restoration planning using network analysis, optimisation and geographic information systems. G. Oldford Dalhousie University.


Setting up a national restoration monitoring criteria. S. Koljonen, Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE


SESSION 03: Sustainable Flood Risk Management

Flood protection combined with stream restoration in a complex context on the river Etsch (Italy), W. Gostner, Engineers Patscheider & Partner Ltd.


Restoration potential for Danube River Basin, lower Danube and Mura-Drava- Danube Biosphere Reserve, U. Schwarz, FLUVIUS Floodplain Ecology and River Basin Management


The Durme Valley River Restoration Plan, J. Verbelen, IMDC


SESSION 04: Water Uses and Environmental Flows 

Introduction: Water uses and Environmental flows. J.Jormola, Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE


Improved environmental flows for river restoration – a case study from the Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan, F. Imanov. Baku State University.


Habitat and recreational suitability in an Alpine River subject to hydropeaking: Noce River, Trentino, Italy. M. Carolli. Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanic Engineering.


The new Swiss legislation on water protection: overview and first successes. L. Bonnard. Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.


River restoration - A tool for solving RES and WFD incompatibilities. B.O. Dønnum. E-CO Energy.


SESSION 05: Enhancement of Multi-use Landscapes

Great (un) expectations: the Isar-Plan in Munich, N. Mahida, State Office for Water Management, Munich, Germany


Floodplain restoration to improve green infrastructures and address multiple management objectives in an urban context: the case study of the Lobau, T. Hein, BOKU, Austria


Planning tools for reopening and restoring urban streams and rivers, T. Fergus, Oslo Water and Sewage Works, Norway


Restore freshwater systems within a multi-objectives integrated strategy: the case of Venice Lagoon watershed, B.Gumiero, Bologna University, Italy


SESSION 06: Maintaining and Enhancing European Biodiversity 

The role of river restortaion in maintaining and enhancing European biodiversity. P. Boon Scottish Natural Heritage. - not available due to copyright.


Restoration on tidal rivers in Flanders - case study on the Grote Nete, Belgium. 


Local floodplain restortaion - experiences in the Lower Volga, Russia.


Results of conservation and management measures from two LIFE programs in Nestos River Delta, Northern Greece - a critical review. H. Jerrentrup, Society for Protection of Nature and Ecodevelopment, Greece.


Naturalisation Vs Land use - the new forest SAC, SPA, RAMSAR and SSSI. S. Bentley, JBA consulting, United Kingdom.


Protecting the habitats of priority bird species of the Vistula valley under the circumstances of intensive pressure of Warsaw agglomneration. L. Polawski, Poland. 


SESSION 07: River Restoration Techniques 

Introduction, M. Janes, River Restoration Centre, UK


Keeping the rivers cool. R.  Lenane, Environment Agency, UK


Restoring gravel bed spawning grounds. U. Pulg, UNI Research, Norway


An application of the process restoration philosophy on a Scottish upland river. H. Moir, CBEC eco-engineering Ltd.


Adding large structures to improve habitat health. J. Gardestrom. Umea University, Sweden


SESSION 08: Communicating River Restoration 

RESTORE a partnership for sharing knowledge and promoting best practice on river restoration in Europe. A. Scarr Environment Agency

A collection of river hydromorphology restoration examples in France. J. Peress ONEMA.

SESSION 09: Ensuring Local Sustainability

Introduction: G. Gusmaroli, Italian Centre for River restoration (CIRF)

Evaluating the Catchment Based Approach in England: transferable lessons for national implementation, C.Black, Cascade Consulting (UK)

European River Corridor Improvement Plans (ERCIP), P. Chapman, Lewisham Borough, London

Initiative “Place a Stone in a Stream” as a method for local stakeholder motivation and involvement in river restoration and maintanance in Latvia, A. Urtans, Nature Conservation Agency

Options for cooperation with local public authorities to facilitate river restoration activities in Moldova, D. Drumea, Global Water Partnership

Sketch & Match: engaging stakeholders in design, M. van Dijken, DLG

SESSION 10: River Restoration: A Shared Challenge 

Introduction, J.F. Donzier, International Network of Basin Organisations

Restoring European rivers while Latin America countries (and many others) are spoiling theirs at an unprecedented pace: comparative reflections from the EU FP7 “SERELAREFA” project, A. Nardini, CIRF

Aichi Prefecture’s efforts to restore Nagara River by optimized dam operation, M. Aoyama, River Policy Network

Restoring the Ems-Dollard estuary together, L.L.J. van Nieuwerburgh and H. Verhoogt, Royal Haskoning DHV

The Thames and Ganges Twinning Programme, R. Oates, Thames Rivers Trust

SESSION 11: Contemporary River Corridor Management

Introduction, A. Bizjak, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia

Final session report

SESSION 12: Lowland Rivers in Central Europe

Central European Lowland Rivers – from their ecological situation to a restoration perspective, W. Lazowski , TB Ökologie and M. Pannonhalmi, North-transdanubian Water Directorate

Abiotic characteristics of Lowland Rivers and the Challenges in Restoration, A. Schwingshandl, Riocom Consulting Engineers

Morphodynamic Design for River Restoration, E. Wijma, Royal HaskoningDHV

The Morava River Restoration: Plan of Measures prepared in agreement with EC Water and Nature Protection Directives – MoRe, K. Holubova, Water Research Institute (Watch a video clip) 


European Territorial Cooperation Project Czech Republic – Austria Polder Soutok, R. Konecny, Umweltbundesamt


Restoring the Morava – Reconnecting Europe, U. Eichelmann, River Watch

SIDE EVENT A: European Riverprize Finalists Presentations 

Orbigo River – Spain, R. Huertas Gonzáles, Duero Basin Authority

Mura/Drava/Danube Rivers – Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, A. Mohl, WWF Austria

River Rhine – Switzerland, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Austria, Liechtenstein, the Belgian region of Wallonia and Italy, B. van de Wetering

Upper Drau (Drava) River – Austria, N. Sereinig

SIDE EVENT B: REFORM - Restoring Rivers for Effective Catchment Management

Dissemination & Communication Activities in REFORM, B. Goeller, Ecologic Institute

Hydromorphology of rivers and floodplains – What is at stake and how will REFORM contribute? T. Buijse, Deltares


Knowledge sharing on hydromorphology: The REFORM wiki, E. Mosselman and G. Geerling

Modifying rivers: ecological responses to hydromorphological degradation and restoration, C. Wolter, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

SIDE EVENT C: Green Infrastructure Solutions to European River Basin Management Challenges




Orbigo River, A. Cabrero, Confederacion Hidrografica del Duero - Watch the video here 
Arpa River, A. Davoyan, Ministry of Nature Protection - Watch the video here 


Rhone Basin, B. Terrier, Agence de l'eau Rhone Mediterranee Corse 



"I recently attended the European river conference in Vienna. I anticipated the conference to be interesting but at a very high level and not include real on the ground examples of successful restoration projects. I was so wrong. Nearly all of the information and presentations relayed where extremely relevant to the work that I'm delivering in the UK. It was really refreshing to hear some honest examples of restoration projects being delivered and the challenges that people faced to successfully deliver them.
The conference left me inspired and I'll be sure to share the lessons that I learnt over the 3 days with colleagues back home in the UK. The conference was a great forum for river enthusiasts to share learning and experiences between one and another!"
- Oliver Southgate, Northern Ambition, UK

"It's not just about river restoration it's also about the politics"

River Talk: 7 Part Series on River Restoration







Poster Presentations

Session 1: Realising European Policy Ambitions 

Catchment-scale river restoration and WFD implementation: lessons learned from the Ouse and Adur pilot catchment

An outlook on River Restoration in Italy: state of the art, trends and perspectives

IRBM Planning and the WFD - A guideline on how to get started

River restoration management in the face of climate change: in-stream habitat or catchment restoration?

Session 2: Cost-effective Solutions for River Management

Rehabilitation of the Lower Salzach - concept and first experiences

River landscapes and their multiple functions - the ecosystem service concept as a way to integrate complex thinking into strategic planning

Session 3: Sustainable Flood Risk Management

Environment-friendly reduction of flood risk and infrastructure damage in a mountain river: case study of the Czarny Dunajec

Morphodynamic design for River Restoration

Statutory flood risk management operations implement Ireland’s national river enhancement programme

Integrating River Restoration and Sustainable Drainage Systems for effective Flood Risk Management in urban contexts

Session 4: Water Uses and Environmental Flows

Environmental flow - an important river restoration method in regulated rivers

Mitigation measures for sustainable water abstractions in alpine streams

Assessment of spawning conditions of endemic fish species in major tributaries of lake Sevan 

Demolition of the Retuerta dam on the Aravalle river. Umbrías (Ávila), Duero river basin, Spain

Session 5: Enhancement of Multi-use Landscapes

Innovative solutions for the Dommel river basin.

Conservation of biodiversity in floodplains: Is multifunctionality the solution?

Biodiversity offsets and ecological compensation: finding the missing link between green infrastructure and river restoration

Renaturation in the floodplain of the Po river: results after 10 years - interventions on the initiative of private farms

Methods of modeling the energy fluxes of low land rivers including the shading effect of river geometry and riparian vegetation

LIFE to ad(d)mire, mire restorations in Sweden

Province of Teramo experience about Tordino river hydrographic basin contract

Landuse impacts on the drinking water reservoir of a straightened mountain river – an initial GIS-based survey

Session 6: Maintaining and Enhancing European Biodiversity

Dynamics of macroinvertebrates community in response to river restoration in different hydrological regimes

Monitoring of bird species on NATURA 2000 middle Vistula river valley area within the Warsaw agglomeration

River Kennet Catchment - a strategic approach to restoration and assessment

River Restoration: restoring habitats used for timber floating

Benthic and fish fauna for pollution classification in the Natanebi river, west Georgia

Restoration of water flow of Khor Virap Marsh Ramsar site as an important step for rehabilitation of wetland biodiversity of River Arax in Ararat Valley (Armenia)

Prader Sand: river restoration due to channel widening.

Vegetation response to a floodplain dynamisation project - a case study from the Danube between Neuburg and Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany)

Fish mesohabitat characteristics in Austrian lowland rivers

Riverine fish assemblages in the areas of acid sulphate soils in Western Finland

Movement pattern and colonisation potential of stream fishes with restoration context

Ecological status of a mountain river based on pre- and post- flood data

LIFE measures mur[er]leben. Inneralpine river basin management – Upper Mur

Session 7: River Restoration Techniques

River Restoration and biodiversity: techniques developed and used in Belgium by private consultants

The potential of riparian vegetation for river restoration demonstrated at the two lowland rivers Lafnitz and Pinka

Living space in the river Danube and its tributaries in Lower Austria/ Mostviertel

Restoring the longitudinal connectivity of crisul repede river in front of the Dacia bridge weir into Oradea town

The RECORD Catchment Project: River restoration in the context of climate and global change

Using Virtual Landscapes for River Restoration

Session 8: Communicating River Restoration

Austrian Floodplain Inventory

Proposal of a rehabilitation strategy at the river basin level (ARH Centro – Portugal)

River Restoration experience in Central and East Europe within RESTORE Project

Session 9: Ensuring Local Sustainability

River as Natural Engine for the City

The young people of today are the stakeholders of tomorrow: the potential of integrating youth into applied river landscape research.

River Basin Development Upper Traun River: from European to Local Level

Community engagement and involvement in catchment restoration and management on the lower river Shannon SAC

River restoration project of the river Jeker in Belgium. Restoring a river and bringing water to the Mill

Session 10: River Restoration: A Shared Challenge

Restoring Europe’s Rivers Amazon

Complex approach of drinking reservoir management; case study at middle Urals

Application of CASiMiR Model for assessment of Tinfoil Barb Habitat suitable in Langat

River restoration advisor for post-disaster river works in Japan

Creative ideas for river restoration in United States of America

Velino River: An Urban Restoration of the Vegetation in the Natura 2000 Network

Session 11: Contemporary River Corridor Management

SEE River project: Development of bottom up approaches in Drava River pilot areas and their integration from local to transboundary scale

Achieving integrated management of selected international rivers in SEE countries

Contribution to the Development of the SEE River Toolkit

Session 12: Lowland Rivers in Central Europe

Morphodynamic Design for River Restoration.