Keynote presentations
Excellence, collaboration and integration in large river management.
video recording
Nick Schofield, International River Foundation
Working towards integrated river restoration and management and Ramsar River Poster Prize Awarding.
video recording
Tobias Salathé, Ramsar
2014 Balkan floods learning from disaster.
video recording
Marina Babic Mladenovic, “Jaroslav Cerni” Institute
Side events
A. European Riverprize finalists
video recording
Chair: Philip Weller, International Association of Water Supply Companies in the Danube River Catchment Area
• Danube River (Transnational).
• River Mur (Austria).
• Danube River (Slovakia).
video recording
Chair: Hil Kuypers, European Centre for River Restoration
• Asian River Restoration Network.
• River Restoration Basin Organisations Community of Practice.
video recording
• Riverwiki.
video recording
Chair: Jean Francois Donzier, International Network of Basin Organisations
• Natural Water Retention Measure Project and the INBO Handbooks for river restoration.
• Peer review WFD implementation.
video recording
Chair: Raimund Mair, International Commission of the Protection of the Danube
• From ideas to implementation. WWF Approach for integrated river and floodplain restoration.
L. Ereifej (WWF CEE Freshwater Programme)
• Increasing scale and impact with cross-sectorial partnerships.
video recording
U. Sapiro (Coca Cola Company, Europe)
• Multiple benefits of Liberty Island and side-arm restoration, Hungary.
V. Siposs
• Lessons learnt from transboundary “Green Borders” wetland restoration project, Romania.
C. Tetelea (WWF DCP)
Parallel sessions
5. Floods Water Supply and IRBM
video recording
Introduction - Ph. Weller (IAWD Danube water programme)
What Happened?
J. Toro (World Bank - Assessment Team)
What were the Consequences for Water Utilities?
V. Tausanovic (Belgrade Water Works and IAWD President)
NALAS activities in support to flooded areas.
J.Janevska (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe)
A Tool for Preparing for Floods.
O. Schmoll (WHO)
Panel discussion: "What are the lessons from the Floods for Water Services and how can River management and Water Services Cooperate to Prevent and Manage Water Services in Floods Events." with representatives of:
• ICPDR: V. Donchev, President
• World Bank: J. Toro
• Water Utility Associations from Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia: D. Zejlko
• Aquasan Network: S. Zulic
• International Sava River Basin Commission: M. Bricelj
• NALAS: J. Janevska
6. IRBM from Alps to Black Sea WWF
video recording
WWF Alpine River Study.
C. Litschauer (WWF Austria)
Assessment of the restoration potential along the Danube and main tributaries.
L. Ereifej (WWF Hungary)
Unser Inn, Austria.
G. Tschavoll (WWF, Austria)
Liberty Island and side-arm restoration, Hungary.
V. Siposs (WWF Hungary)
video recording
7. Land Use Planning, Agriculture & RR
video recording
E. Philips (Jacobs Ltd., United Kingdom)
This presentation contains a video.
Improving WFD status at the catchment scale: The role of Natural Flood Management.
D. Hetherington and A. Nicholson (Ove Arup and Partners, United Kingdom)
This presentation contains a round-table discussion.
Development plan for rivers in South Tyrol.
M. Aschbacher and P. Hecher (Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Bolzano, Italy)
Restoration of several types of floodplain habitats on the Slovakian section of the Danube.
T. Kušík (Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie, Slovakia)
Environmentally friendly drainage measures.
J. Jormola (Finnish Environment Institute, Finland)
Bending rivers by mussels.
video shown in this session
I. Olsson (UC4LIFE, County Board Skåne, Sweden)
8. Restoring Hydro-morphology
video recording
Restoring natural geomorphic process to river environments influenced by practical design constraints.
H. Moir (cbec eco-engineering UK-Ltd, United Kingdom)
The Morphological Response of the River Ribble to naturalisation.
G. Heritage (AECOM, United Kingdom)
Restoring natural hydromorphological processes: A comparison of approaches in the Rivers Ouse and Adur, Sussex, southern England.
I. Dennis (Royal HaskoningDHV)
This presentation contains a round-table discussion.
Geomorphological impacts on flood peak damping.
D. Haspel (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria)
Presentations of the posters related to this session:
video recording
(all posters can be found in the column on the right)