Sixth European River Restoration Conference
Vienna - Austria, 27 - 29 October 2014
The sixth ERRC was co-organised with the SEE River project and featured the second European Riverprize.
The conference page contains the presentations, recordings of all presentations, and the conference report
Fifth Europ
ean River Restoration Conference
Vienna - Austria, 11-13 September 2013
The fifth ERRC was organised in close collaboration with the RESTORE project and the ICPDR and featured the 1st European Riverprize.
The conference page contains the presentations, recordings of all presentations, and the conference report.
ECRR Conference on River Restoration
Venice - Italy, San Servolo Island, 16-21 June 2008
The Fourth ECRR conference attracted more than 300 participants from 5 continents and 36 countries, a larger share of whom come from eastern and southern Europe than on earlier conferences. The aim of this conference was to focus more on practitioners; and, besides numerous scientists, this time also many river basin managers contributed to the proceedings.
The complete volume can be downloaded. These are available in Russian as well.
Third EC
RR Conference on River Restoration
Zagreb - Croatia, 17-21 May 2004
River Restoration 2004 Conference Proceedings
The proceedings of the conference comprise 41 papers from Europe and Asia.
A group picture taken of the conference participants in Lonjsko Polje Nature Park on May 19 (Croatia).
An overview of the papers and authors can be found under contents.
Second E
CRR Conference on River Restoration
Wageningen - The Netherlands, 15-19 May 2000
The conference 'River Restoration, 2000 Practical Approaches', organised by Rijkswaterstaat RIZA in Wageningen at an inspiring location with a view over the river Rhine, focused on the practical approaches in river restoration. The conference provided information on many aspects on river restoration, from presentations, workshops and discussions, keynote lectures and poster sessions.
Click here to download the proceedings.
First EC
RR Conference on River Restoration
Silkeborg - Denmark, September 1996
In September 1996 the ECRR hosted its first international conference - River Restoration '96 - in Silkeborg, Denmark. The aim of the conference was to provide environmental managers and scientists a forum for disseminating and discussing results and experience with the planning, execution and effect monitoring of river restoration projects throughout the world.
The proceedings are available for the key notes and for the sessions.