Keynote presentations
SEE River project: Towards contemporary river corridor management.
video recording
Bruno Mazzorana, Provence of Bolzano – South Tyrol
Works of the International Sava River Basin Commission.
video recording
Mitja Bricelj, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
Parallel sessions
4. Policy into action
video recording
Introduction: Make people to act together for successful river governance: tools and challenges.
G. Gusmaroli (Italian Centre for River Restoration, Italy)
Joint delivery of river restoration at a local level
C. Gray (London Borough of Lewisham, United Kingdom)
Visualization of the Drava River Corridor “Leitbild” Concept of Methods
W. Gallmetzer (Autonomous Province of Bozen/ Bolzano, Italy)
Cross-sectoral River Corridor Management – Reaching agreement on the Drava River Corridor Regional Development Concept in Slovenia
A. Grmovšek (Institute for Nature Protection of the Republic of Slovenia)
7. Land Use Planning, Agriculture & RR
video recording
Land use and river restoration – Lower River Wye SSSI.
E. Philips (Jacobs Ltd., United Kingdom)
This presentation contains a video.
Improving WFD status at the catchment scale: The role of Natural Flood Management.
D. Hetherington and A. Nicholson (Ove Arup and Partners, United Kingdom)
This presentation contains a round-table discussion.
Development plan for rivers in South Tyrol.
M. Aschbacher and P. Hecher (Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Bolzano, Italy)
Restoration of several types of floodplain habitats on the Slovakian section of the Danube.
T. Kušík (Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie, Slovakia)
Environmentally friendly drainage measures.
J. Jormola (Finnish Environment Institute, Finland)
Bending rivers by mussels.
video shown in this session
I. Olsson (UC4LIFE, County Board Skåne, Sweden)
9. Transboundary RR management
video recording
The Upper Drava in Carinthia – an example of a successfully implemented “River Development Scheme”.
S. Schober (Amt der Kärntner Landesregierung, Austria)
Neretva river corridor – implementation of crosssectoral participatory approach to reach consensus for sustainable management of river corridor.
S. Fejzibegovic (Hydro-engineering Institute Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Establishing a coordinated management system for restoration and preservation of Vjosa River, through active participation of relevant institutions and stakeholders in
S. Hoxha (Environmental Consultant, Albania)
Prut river corridor – approach, achievement and results in the context of implementetion the SEE River project.
C. Rusu (Romanian Waters National Administration, Romania)
River restoration practices and the institutional capacity building aspects of Bodrog river corridor management.
B. Minárik (Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute,Slovakia)
UNESCO designated sites as key tools for transboundary cooperation and the co-management of shared ecosystems incl. case-study of the Lower Prut area in the Republic of Moldova.
M. Prchalova (UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Italy)
10. Participatory Water Management GWP
video recording
video presentation
G. Grau (GWP, Sweden)
Global consultations on Water Sustainable Development Goal
A. Hall (GWPO)
Public Participation in river basin management planning.
B. Mandl (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River)
Experiences from national consultations on Water Sustainable Development Goal.
T. Okruszko (GWP Poland)
Lessons learned from drought management national dialogues.
S. Bokal (GWP CEE)
One act play and reflections from plenary.
By D. Thalmeinerova (GWP, Sweden)
Plenary Session
The Austrian Drava management in the relation to the international river corridor.
video recording
Alexander Zinke, coordinator of the SEE River project at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and at the Regional Government of Carinthia
Cross-sectoral cooperation as a basis for contemporary river corridor management; The Drava River as a case.
video recording
Aleš Bizjak, Leader SEE River project / Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia
Panel discussion; Moderator: Bart Fokkens
video recording
- Aleš Bizjak, SEE River Project Manager
- Ulrike Sapiro, Coca-Cola, Europe
- Karl Schwaiger, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,Environment and Water Management, Austria
- Alastair Driver (Environment Agency, United Kingdom)
- Alexander Zinke, coordinator of the SEE River project at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and at the Regional Government of Carinthia