The ECRR network consists of individuals, national and topic centres and partner organisations. Currently nearly 2000 individuals receive the ECRR newsletter, which keeps them up to date about all ECRR and related activities. If you would like to receive the newsletter you can sign up free of charge.
5th ECRR/RESTORE International River Restoration Conference, Vienna 2013; ECRR Welcome reception © ECRR
The ECRR Association has the following members and partners.
- Italy: Italian Centre for River Restoration (Centro Italiano per la Riqualificazione Fluviale) - CIRF more information NC Italy.pdf
- United Kingdom: The River Restoration Centre - RRC More information NC UK .pdf
- Spain: Iberian Centre for River Restoration (Centro Iberico de Restauracion Fluvial) - NC IBERIA
- Finland: Environment Institute - SYKE more information NC Finland.pdf
- The Netherlands: Foundation for Applied Water Research - NC STOWA
- Norway: Norwegian Environment Agency- Miljødirektoratet More information NC Norway.pdf
- Sweden: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management - NC Havochvatten
- Ukraine: Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation - IWPLR
- Poland: Department of Hydraulic Engineering of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SSGW more information NC Poland.pdf
- France: French Agency for Biodiversity - NC OFB More information NC France.pdf
- International Network of Basin Organisations - TC INBO
- Wetlands International European Association- TC WIEA More information - TC WIEA.pdf
- Finnish Freshwater Foundation - TC FFF
- Blue Rivers Foundation TC BRF
- Global Water Partnership Central and East Europe - GWP-CEE
- Integrative Science, Research and Actions - I.S. Rivers

Members are National River Restoration Centres, others are Topic Centres. A National or Topic Centre can be anything between a small NGO and a formal institution. A National Centre represents the diverse array of river restoration actors in its country, i.e. practitioners, researchers and other experts. In order to qualify as a National Centre with the ECRR, the organisation needs to be considered broadly as a proper institution to act as such for that specific country (supported by referral by the appropriate ministry), and needs to be willing to participative actively in the organization of ECRR activities. Topic Centres are organisations working on (integrated) river basin management in Greater Europe with an emphasis on key aspects of river restoration, knowledge sharing and international cooperation. There are /various activities that a National and Topic Centre can develop in order to contribute to more and better river restoration.
Project Partnerships:ECRR works regulary together in projects with a number of organisations that strive to achieve similiar goals:
- Asian River Restoration Network - ARRN
- Australian River Restoration Centre - ARRC
- Global Water Partnerships - GWP
- International RiverFoundation - IRF
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO
- International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River - ICPDR
- The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands - Ramsar
- The International Association for Water Utilities in the Danube River Basin - IAWD