ECRR Technical Newsletter 1 - 2022, March
Topics: EU Directives, River restoration in general, Nature-based Solutions, Flood & Drought management, Hydropower, Economics, Social benefits,
Regions: Greater Europe, Published: 03-03-2022 , ISBN: n.a. , Authors: Andreas Lium, Norwegian Environment Agency; Sophie Trémolet, The nature Conservancy; Sašo Šantl, Institute for Water, Slovenia; Barbara Bolta Skaberne, Notransjka National Park, Slovenia; John Wheatland, UK River Restoration Centre,; Hannah Joyce, UK River Restoration Centre;Edith Hödl, International Commision for the Protection of the Danube River; Andrea Samy, WWF Hungary;
The articles highlight convincing examples of innovations needed for implementing the Biodiversity Strategy 20230 and the Grean Deal policy of integrating sectors and economy and ecology.
The Norwegian National Restoration Project enables the restoration of Northern Norway and the ‘ecological reopening’ of Oslo making Norway’s future bright and blue.
The Nature Conservancy works on defining prioritised investment plans and attracting more coordinated and targeted funding to deliver those plans for much greater funding and repayable financing which are both needed to deliver on the EU’s goals of restoring rivers, free flowing or not!
The Slovenian river restoration practices lead to more biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services, which improve human health and social life, and support economy in various sectors.
The MIC’s citizen science focuses on selecting short- and long-term impacts that the stakeholders deem to be the high priority for the project and establishing a plan to assess whether these impacts are being achieved or not.
And two articles demonstrate an effective Integrated River Basin Management and Planning for fresh water restoration and the reduction of flood risk through floodplain restoration in the Danube basin. These two articles are so much interrelated that reading one, should make you reading the other one as well.