
The Handbook for Management and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems in River and Lake Basin

GWP and INBO launched at the World Water Forum in Korea this handbook that draws from real-life experiences, practical examples and expertise acquired in national and transboundary basins throughout the world. It is organized by the theme and centred on the key issueslinked to managing and restoraing aquatic ecosystems. The work includes contributions from several authors who represent different approaches in this complex domain, including experts on IWRM and the environment.

This handbook is aimed at practotioners involved in manageing water resources and restoring ecosystems and, more broadly, anyone with an interest in these subjects. It includes:

  • An overview ofthe key concepts, fundamental issues and approaches used in tackling these areas. The successive chapters look at how ecosystems work, ways of managing and restoring ecosystems, and relevant governance and regulations;
  • A specific chapter on ecosystem monitoring;
  • A focus on the economic challenges and the funding issue;
  • Examples of ecosystem management and practical advice in every chapter.

THe drafting of the handbook was coordinated by Christoph Brachet of the permanent Technical Secretariat of the International Network of Basin Organisations (INBO), in partnership with Danka Thalmeinerova of Global Water Patership (GWP) and Julie Magnier of the International Office for Water (IOWater).