ECRR Newsletter 3/2017 December
Topics: Climate Change, EU Directives, Fisheries, Flood & Drought management, Habitat & Biodiversity, How to do River Restoration, Hydropower, Land use: forestry / agriculture / fisheries, River restoration in general, Social benefits, Spatial planning, Urban River Restoration,
Regions: Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe, Published: 18-12-2017 , Authors: Editors: Bart Fokkens ECRR/WI, FRancisco Martinez Capel CIREF, Timur Pavlyuk RosNIIVH
With this issue of the ECRR Newsletter it appears that there is an increasing interest to publish about ecological river restoration. Moreover, there is a certain development in the type of articles about this item. The content of the articles on river restoration shows nowadays more diversity than in the past. This proves to our opinion, that river restoration is becoming more and more a well known and even cross cutting activity, not only related to nature conservation and protection of specific flora and fauna species. Ecological (river) restoration, defined as the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or estroyed, is more and more recognized as an activity being key to delivering essential cosystem services (Aichi Biodiversity Target 14).
Newsletter ECRR December 3/2017.pdf
This increasing interest is not only the result of a growing political interest, but also the results achieved by river restoration implementation, providing the evidence of its positive impacts. However, the mid-term review of the EU’s progress towards meeting this target reported that there had been ‘Progress but at an insufficient rate’, with some restoration activities having ccurred, but without a halt in the degradation of ecosystems and services (European Commission 2015). The impending deadline for these targets has created impetus for moving
forward with large-scale restoration programs across Europe, but their success will depend on our capacity to effectively implement them.