ECRR Newsletter 2-2018 July
Topics: Climate Change, EU Directives, Habitat & Biodiversity, How to do River Restoration, Hydropower, River restoration in general, Social benefits, Urban River Restoration,
Regions: Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe, Published: 20-08-2018 , Authors: Editors: Bart Fokkens ECRR, Francisco, Martinez Capel, CIREF and Timur Pavlyuk, RosNIIVH.
The content of this ECRR Newsletter shows that the river restoration and river management communities are more, and more together on the move for more and better river restoration activities. The articles about the IS Rivers 2018 Conference and the GWP-CEE Summer School 2018 ‘Towards Agenda 2030’ witness a real drive by the youth and the science. Then the articles of the winner of the UK River Prize 2018 ‘Hill to Levels’, the French river continuity restoration approach and the Yecla de Yeltes Dam Removal, in Spain prove that the (best) practices are available.
The DriDanube Project article on the ‘Drought Risk in the Danube region’ describes an advanced approach for monitoring, early warning and impact assessments of droughts for the development of a strategy to improve drought emergency response.
A number of informative announcements are in this issue highlighted as well: The World Rivers Day on the 23rd of September, a handbook presentation ‘From sea to source 2.0’ on river connectivity restoration, and a call for cooperation on knowledge about all aspects of riparian vegetation by the COST CONVERGES Action. We want to remark the 16th EUROPE-INBO 2018 International Conference on the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive will be held in Sevilla, Spain and finally the international river restoration event calendar is updated extensively.
Newsletter ECRR 2018-2-July.pdf