Veronica Manfredi
Veronica Manfredi, the Director for Quality of Life in DG Environment is with her Directorate responsible for key EU policies for Clean and Well-Managed Water (including the protection of all EU Freshwater and Marine environments, water reuse, prevention from Floods, compliance with high health standards for Drinking Water), Clean Air, control on Industrial Emissions and prevention of Industrial Accidents.
Steven N. Schonberger
Steven N. Schonberger is Regional Director for the World Bank Group’s Sustainable Development Department for the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region and hiscurrent professional focus includes exploring ways to promote the transition towards sustainability through moving to a circular economy approach and the required policy, institutional, financing and technological innovations.
Sofia Kilifi
Sofia Kilifi is Sustainability and Community Manager Coca Cola European Partners. At the conference she will describe the relevance of rivers and wetlands to Coca Cola and other businesses and the company's new global freshwater startegy.
Joakim Harlin.
Dr. Harlin is a water resources and international development professional, mamager and leader.In his current position heading up both the Freshwater Unit of UN Environment and the UNEP-DHI Centre on Water & Environment he is responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of global policy and programmes guided by
UNEP’s Freshwater Strategy.
Dario Soto-Abril
We are pleased to announce the participation of Dario Soto-Abril - Executive Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Global Water Partnership- as keynote speaker the European River Symposium. Mr. Soto-Abril took up his role in March 2021, his appointment coinciding with GWP's 25th anniversary year. Global Water Partnership is a global action network focused on the sustainable management of water resources with over 3000 partner 179 countries.
Loic Obled
Loic Obled is chief operating officer of OFB (Office Français de la Biodiversité), in charge with police environmental police, research, science and data. This office is managed by Pierre Dubreuil, chief executive. It has been created in 2020 from a fusion of ancient structures dealing with hunt and wildlife (ONCFS), water and aquatic environments (ONEMA), marine environments (AAMP), environmental training (ATEN) and support to national parks (PNF). Loic Obled started his career as sub-prefect in department of Landes (south-west) and in La Réunion (Indian ocean). He has also worked in Conservatoire du littoral (coastal protection) as regional delegate and in ONCFS (hunting and wildlife) as director of police.