Deadline for abstracts extended until May 1, 2017; Symposium Adaptation of Inland Fisheries and Aqua Culture to Climate Change 3-6 September 2017 in Stare Jablonki, Poland
Europen Inland Fisheries and Aqua Culture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) invites you to to a symposium Adaptation of Inland Fisheries and Aqua Culture to Climate Change that will take place 3-6 September in Stare Jablonki, Poland's beautifull lake area. The symposium organizer is S. Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in Poland.
You can find more information on the the website
Please prepare your abstract according to the posted template and submit it by email to before May 1, 2017. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of Fisheries Management and Ecology.
An intersting scientific and visiting programme is prepared and the organisers are looking forward into welcoming you there.