
ECRR Technical News December 2023

All good river restoration news!


River restoration is a broad concept. In addition, it is an activity that is applied within the broad context of Integrated River (Basin) Management. As a result, river restoration touches on many different aspects. This is reflected in the variety of articles in this ECRR Technical Newsletter issue.


ECRR Newsletter 2-2018 July with news on river restoration communities and river management communities are more, and more together on the move for improving the state of Europe's water.


Recently two new reports were published:

1. The European Environment Agency has produced a report on the state of Europe's water.

2. The World Fishmigration Foundation pubished a report with the title: Removing tens of thousands of obselete dams in Europe ill bring life back to rivers.

These two reports availble on ECRR's website www.ecrr.org,...