
Want to know more about restoring eutrophic lakes - Algae Be Gone


Algae Be Gone (ABG) is a project with partners from Sweden and Denmark. We work in two eutrophic lakes and their catchments, Lake Ringsjön in Sweden and Lake Sjælsø in Denmark. The overall aim of the project is to develop cost efficient methods for restoring eutrophic lakes in the region. These methods are needed in order to meet the ecological and chemical requirements according to the EU Water Framework Directive.


Watch our new video on restoring an urban brook


This video presents the most common means for restoring a brook for vulnerable brown trout.The filmed restoration workshop took place at Longinoja brook in Helsinki, Finland. The workshop was held and the video was made as part of the Life+ funded RESTORE partnership.

Proposal to bring back beavers to Welsh rivers


Following the release of  beavers into an enclosure in Cwm Einion near Machynlleth, Powys  2 years ago, the Welsh Beaver Project has published a report outlining a proposal to release beavers back into the river valleys of Wales. In an article by the BBC proponents of the project argue that the beavers will cut flood risk and help boost biodiversity. Project co-ordinator Adrian LLoyd Jones told the BBC that beavers are'gentle and effective managers of wetland and river woodland habitat and that beaver dams would help reduce flash floods by slowing down rivers in spate'