
ECRR Technical News December 2023

All good river restoration news!


River restoration is a broad concept. In addition, it is an activity that is applied within the broad context of Integrated River (Basin) Management. As a result, river restoration touches on many different aspects. This is reflected in the variety of articles in this ECRR Technical Newsletter issue.



Messages from 25th International Riversymposium 27th November - 1st December 2022, Vienna & Online


At the 25th International Riversymposium in Vienna in November 2022 the overall message of the Symposium was that an even stronger commitment to restoration and protections of rivers needs to be given.

In March of 2023, for the first time in 50 Years, the world will have a UN Event that focuses on water. This event provides an important opportunity to expand the level of effort directed to improving the condition of the world’s rivers.


ECRRNetwork eNews #27 | 01.11.2022


ECRR eNews #27 | 01.11.2022

In this edition of the ECRR eNewsletter a large number of varied topics are covered, in both the sections news, publications or events. But one part stands out and that is the 25th International River Symposium that this time, outside Australia, will be held in Vienna, Austria in November.


Work in progress: River habitat connectivity restoration!

ECRRNetwork eNews # 26 | 24.08.2022

The content of this newsletter is just a small reflection of all of the dynamic activity around the free-flowing rivers. At the same time, being aware of all that is happening makes it even more interesting to have look at all of the different activities and to realise how broad the topic of free-flowing rivers is in practice. And not only that, but what it takes to support the achievement of 25,000 km of free-flowing rivers by 2030 as well as many other targets directly or indirectly related to freshwater ecosystems restoration.  
