
Implications of provision of fish access at tidal structures for water quality and sedimentation - project report


In order for the Agency to fulfil obligations under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Eel Regulations, fish access facilities are being installed in tidal flaps at many sites in the lower reaches of rivers to allow the migration of elver, eel and other species between the main river or estuary and incoming tributaries and drains.

However, the operation of these fish access devices could result in potential changes in the water quality and sediment regime in the associated drains, with implications for management and maintenance regimes in these drains, and in late 2011 the Environment Agency commissioned a short study to investigate the potential for this.
The Summary and full report of a preliminary study can be found here: https://brand.environment-agency.gov.uk/mb/EpOQL3
Further information: Dr. Graeme Peirson, Evidence Directorate, Air, Land and Water Team

New fish pass opened on the River Derwent


The BBC reports:

Salmon, sea trout and eels are now able to swim through a new fish pass on the River Derwent in Northumberland for the first time in over 300 years.

Natural Environment Minister Richard Benyon opened the new pass at Swalwell, Gateshead.

Until now, salmon and sea trout were unable to travel very far up-river to spawn because of the restrictive weir.

Passing fish will be closely monitored by underwater cameras at the pass.

Richard Benyon MP Natural Environment Minister: "This fish pass will create exciting new opportunities for fishing in the area. 

Bypasses seal deal for eels to return to Britain


They are as fragile as their name suggests, yet glass eels survive being hurled about by terrifying storms as they evade sharp-toothed predators on a 4,000-mile, three-year odyssey from the North Atlantic. Then they arrive in Britain only to find that the barricades are up.

Concrete walls, tidal flaps, sluice gates and weirs are just some of the many obstacles these tiny creatures come up against as they try to swim up rivers to reach the inland waterways where they can grow to adulthood. Consequently, the number of eels in Britain's waterways has slumped.


Now a review of British rivers will identify structures that can be pulled down, or sites that are suitable for eel-friendly bypasses. In some cases, a pipelined with grippy mesh is all that is needed for the eels to get past a man-made obstacle.


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From sea to source guidance


From sea to source guidance free download http://www.fromseatosource.com/

This is an international guidance for the restoration of fish migration highways. You can download the guidance at www.fromseatosource.com
The guidance is the result of collaborations and partnerships with fisheries professionals all over the world, drawn together to provide a major new text on the theme of fish migration. The underlying concept is the increasingly recognised need for preservation, but more frequently, the restoration of free migration for all species of fish.

Learn more about ecohydraulics


RESTORE attended an international symposium in Vienna in September.  The symposium gathered 300 participants to look at research and new solutions for our rivers. If you look at the proceedings you can see the discussions on large hydro power schemes around the world, like Mekong River.  The sturgeon can not migrate along the Danube and other fish struggle to move around our rivers.  At the event the work and cooperation in Austria between river managers and power companies is helping to solve some of these issues.  Discussion consisted of presentations about the benefits of river restoration, upstream and downstream fish migration, environmental flows, modeling and aquatic ecology.  New fish pass cases, combined with reproduction habitats, were presented in some presentations. Jukka Jormola from RESTORE gave a presentation on natural fish bypass channels and work that is being undertaken in Finland. Technical tours were organized to fish passes and a new side channel under construction on the Danube.

Proceedings: http://www.ise2012.boku.ac.at/