
UNESCO book: River Restoration; A strategic approach to planning and management


The book consits of two parts:

Part A provides an overview of the history and evolution of river restoration, it sets out a framework for planning and implementing river restoration, and it adresses some key principles, issues, and methods for restoring rivers in the wider context of water resource management and river basin planning.

Part B includes more detailed discussions of techniques and approaches to river restoration, including...

Rivers by Design - updated


RESTORE's Rivers by Design guide to river restoration for land-use professionals has had a few minor changes, including an update to the table showing the benefits of river restoration in the planning and development process.

The guide shows the crucial role planners, architects and developers the crucial role they can play in river restoratation. The document explains the contexty and need for river restoration and provides guidance on planing projects to make sure sustainable development is achieved.

Fisheries survey with a boom


Early July, under cover of darkness, fish are being counted on the Thames from Oxford to Henley. Using an electric fishing boat, affectionately known as the ‘boom boat’, Environment Agency Fisheries and Sampling teams are taking part in an annual national fish survey.

On this part of the Thames the water is deep, making the normal wading technique for sampling fish out of the question and so the ‘boom boat’ is used instead.

Anode in water - boom boat fish survey, photo courtesy of John Sutton EA