
European River Symposium: European Rivers and Wetlands 2021. Draft programme is now online!

All in the ECRRnetwork eNews #15 | 23 April, 2021

European River Symposium: European Rivers and Wetlands 2021. Draft programme is now online!

The European River Symposium 2021.

The Symposium will focus on:

  1. Providing and integrated perspective on ecological river restoration to implement WFD and related Directives.
  2. Ensuring active involvement of sector impacting on rivers (i.e. agriculture, producing industry, water utilities, energy, navigation, tourism)
  3. Being dynamic and interactive with Policy Briefs setting the stage and discussions and panels that ensure dialogue and interaction among participants.
More in this newsletter.

Sharing the benefits from river basin management; From theory to practice. This benefit sharing approach responds to a demand for practical and collaborative tools that lead to optimal sharing of water benefits. The conceptual framing follows a process of stakeholder engagement, assessments and knowledge buidling, to enhance cooperation within countries and across state boarders for sustainable river basin management..

The potential of barrier removal to reconnect europe's rivers. Out of over 30,000 assessed barriers along larger rivers across Europe the study identifies 858 barriers with high reconnection potential in large and medium-sized rivers, which would allow to reconnect about 14,400 km of rivers. In the EU27, this figure would amount to 732 barriers with high reconnection potential, allowing to reconnect 11,500 km of rivers.


  • Fish passage 21-24 June 2021.
  • International River Symposium 2021, Brisbane.
  • Riverporize 2021 open for applications

Read the newesletter here.

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