
RESTORE in Eastern Europe: the Romanian Institute of Hydrology and Water Management



The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management is the Romanian national authority in the hydrology, hydrogeology and water management fields. NIHWM develops research activities and provides operational services of national and international public interest. Its activities help to improve quality of human life and to protect the environment, and people alike. NIHWM is a subunit of the National Administration Romanian Waters (Apele Romane).


The Institute’s activities are very dynamic, constantly adapting to new requirements and concerns. Extensive experience has been accumulated over the years (more than 50 years), resulting in an important contribution to the new aspects related to the sustainable water resources management and implementation of European legislation. The institute performs activities that support the implementation of Water Framework Directive in Romania, such as studies on possible restoration measures to be applied in Romania.


The Central and East European experts will fully benefit of best practices on river restoration recorded in Europe. An analysis on water bodies performed within the National Management Plan for the Romanian part of the international Danube River Basin, reveals that 1241 water bodies out of all water bodies (3399), meaning 36.5%, are at risk of not achieving environmental objectives, until 2015. About half of them have significant hydro-morphological alterations (15% out of all water bodies are heavily modified water bodies). Thus, one of the most important measures within the River Basin Management is river restoration. Therefore, the know-how gained in the RESTORE project will be used for proposals of measures to reduce hydro-morphological pressures on water bodies aiming at achieving the good status required by Water Framework Directive.


The dissemination of best practices on river restoration in central and eastern Europe is one of the main objectives of the project. In this respect, two workshops will be organised by the National Institute for Hydrology and Water Management: one in May 2012 and the other in autumn of 2012. The workshops will be financially supported by the National Administration “Apele Romane, the National Institute for Hydrology and Water Management, and the RESTORE project.


The contacts for RESTORE East region are the Regional Communications Manager: Andreea Galie, and the Regional Communications Assistant: Elisabeta Cserwid.

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