East Region Workshop: 'Sharing River Restoration Knowledge and Experience in Europe'
The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM), Romania participates, during the period 2011-2013, as subcontractor of DLG - Government Service for Land and Water Management, The Netherlands, in the framework of the RESTORE Project (Rivers: Engaging, Supporting and Transferring knOwledge for Restoration in Europe) application no. LIFE09 INF/UK/000032.
Between 9 and 11 May 2012, the International Workshop 'Sharing River Restoration Knowledge and Experience in Europe' will be held in Iasi, Romania, organized by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management with the support of DLG - Government Service for Land and Water Management, The Netherlands.
During the Workshop, best practice river restoration in Europe with examples from UK, The Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary will be presented. In addition, the workshop is a good opportunity to present the preoccupations of National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management from Romania in the field of eco-hydrology and river restoration.
A Round Table – How can RESTORE help to share experience in different areas of Europe and especially in the Eastern European Region will take place, occasion for the participants to share and discuss about experiences in their countries in the field of river restoration.
Experts from The Netherlands and Austria will hold a Training Session on river habitat and geomorphology:
- Morphological challenges: morphological impact resulting from the demands of the individual interests. Some Dutch examples. – Mr. ir. Hendrik Havinga, Ass. Professor Delft University;
- Restoration measures at Austrian-Slovakian border section of river Morava: concepts, experience and outlook – Mr. Albert Schwingshandl - Consulting engineer for water management and environmental engineering, RIOCOM – Austria.
The results of the training will be in the benefit of the Romanian specialists from National Administration ”Romania Waters” who will participate to the Workshop.
Through the participation of 26 specialists from 4 countries from Europe and, the presentations of some case studies of RR projects in UK, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania and the debates which will take place, a very fruitful experience exchange will be done between the participants, with the focus on: main drivers for RR (as WFD, Habitat Directive, etc.), the main obstacles met; necessary knowledge on how to deliver river restoration; good practices, etc.