
A international workshop in Iasi "Exchange of experience in restoration of waterways in Europe".



The National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (NIHWM) participates, in the period 2011-2013, as subcontractant of DLG - Government Service for Land and Water Management (The Neherlands), in the fraework of the RESTORE Project (Rivers: Engaging, Supporting and Transferring knOwledge for Restoration in Europe) application  no. LIFE09 INF/UK/000032.


RESTORE Project  has as objectiv the development and dissemination of the best good practices in Europe, regarding the river restoration.


The main objectives of the project are:

            -  Promotion of an effectivness knowledge in river restoration field;

            -  Dissemination of the best good practices on river restoration.

The project leader is The Environment Agency from Great Britain. Syke (Finland), CIRF (Italiy),  RRC (UK) and DLG (The Netherlands) coordinate the regional  activities of the project as follows:  Syke – North region, CIRF- South region, RRC – West region and  DLG - Central and East Region. NIHWM, as subcontractant of DLG, participates to the afferent activities of the Central and East Regoin.


In the period 9 -11 May 2012, will take place in Iasi, Romania,   the International Workshop Sharing  River  Restoration  Knowledge and  Experience in  Europe”    organized by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management with the support of the Service for Land and Water Management  - DLG, (The Neherlands).


During the Workshop will be presented papers regarding the best practice on river restoration in Europe from UK, The Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria and  Hungary .


A Round Table – How can RESTORE help to share experience in different areas of  Europe and especially in the Eastern European Region will take place, occasion for the participants to share and discuss about  experience in their countries in river restoration field.


Experts from The Netherlands and Austria  will sustain  a Training  Session on river habitat and geomorphology :

- Morphological challenges – Mr. ir. Hendrik   Havinga,  Ass. Professor  Delft University









- Restoration measures  at Austrian-Slovakian border section of river Morava: concepts, experience and outlook.Mr. Albert Schwingshandl - Consulting engineer for water management and environmental   engineering,  RIOCOM  – Austria

Through the participation of 26  specialists  from 5  countries  from  Europe and, the presentations of some study – cases of RR projects in   UK, Austria,  Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania and the  debates which will take  place a very fruitful experience exchange will be realized  between the participants.

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