
Work in progress: River habitat connectivity restoration!

Work in progress: River habitat connectivity restoration!

On 22 June 2022, the EU launched a proposal for a regulation for nature restoration, including a binding target of the restoration of 25,000 km of free-flowing rivers. This last point in particular is generating a lot of energy around the topic of river habitat connectivity restoration. Scientific articles are being written on the related issues, the newly established European Open Rivers Programmes granted their first dam removals, the ECRR's River Restoration Community of Practitioners are starting a series of webinars on hydromorphological restoration, ECRR member Wetlands International is organising a European Rivers Summit in September in Brussels to influence the Members of the European Parliament to approve the regulation, the INBO is organising the 20th Europe-INBO, including a workshop on integrated river restoration, and the World Fish Migration Foundation is organising a 'Connected Rivers' workshop at the International River Symposium in November in Vienna.



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