
Every year billions are spent in Britain and Europe on policies that wreck homes and lives through flooding


Digging up trees and digging more drains isn't preventing floods.

In his latest Guardian article, George Monbiot investigates a 'major research programme, which produced the following astonishing results: water sinks into the soil under trees at 67 times the rate at which it sinks into the soil under grass. The roots of the trees provide channels down which the water flows, deep into the ground. The soil there becomes a sponge, a reservoir which sucks up water and then releases it slowly.'


River Restoration in Europe: the art of the possible - published


More than a project report, the RESTORE Layman’s Report is an agenda setting document highlighting the achievements of RESTORE, while also looking beyond RESTORE and stressing the key policy and technical challenges that still need to be overcome to take river restoration forward. The report will provide a direction for future activities in the hope that these will be taken up by policy makers and river basin managers.

Download report: RESTORE Layman’s Report

A Successful Push to Restore Europe’s Long-Abused Rivers reports by Fre Pearce


From Britain to the Czech Republic, European nations have been restoring rivers to their natural state — taking down dams, removing levees, and reviving floodplains. For a continent that long viewed rivers as little more than shipping canals and sewers, it is a striking change.

by fred pearce

Following our Final conference Fred Pearce a key note speak has published his thoughts: http://e360.yale.edu/feature/a_successful_push_to_restore_europes_long-abused_rivers/2718/

Following BBC news do you want to know more about the Medlock or Sutcliffe Park?

The UK’s rivers are in the best shape they have been for two decades but there is still more to do. The Environment Agency is working with organisations all over the country to restore rivers that have been lost or forgotten.  Europe has set tough standards for improving rivers but these targets are important drivers for change. Restored rivers rejuvenate neighbourhoods for local communities, help fish and wildlife and reduce flood risk.