
ECRRNetwork eNews #27 | 01.11.2022


ECRR eNews #27 | 01.11.2022

In this edition of the ECRR eNewsletter a large number of varied topics are covered, in both the sections news, publications or events. But one part stands out and that is the 25th International River Symposium that this time, outside Australia, will be held in Vienna, Austria in November.


United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Started

Get involved by joining the movement and call for action on restoration.


On Tuesday, 15 September a "Strategy Reveal & Engagement Kickoff" webinar was held and more than 2,500 comments informed the final strategy guiding the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The UN Decade will be officially launched in 2021. But you can already call for action on restoration now by joining the movement.