
Date change! European River Symposium 2016; 2 - 3 March 2016 Vienna Austria ! Rivers in Europe; Best practices of River Basin Management, Partners for Rivers


The symposium is an unique opportunity to celebrate rivers, to meet with river stakeholders from many countries and sectors, and to learn about challenges and opportunities on rivers across Europe. The River SYmposium will include the European RiverPrize gala at the Vienna City Hall, at which the European RiverPrize winner will be announced.

Rivers by Design - updated


RESTORE's Rivers by Design guide to river restoration for land-use professionals has had a few minor changes, including an update to the table showing the benefits of river restoration in the planning and development process.

The guide shows the crucial role planners, architects and developers the crucial role they can play in river restoratation. The document explains the contexty and need for river restoration and provides guidance on planing projects to make sure sustainable development is achieved.

Valuing Nature - Should nature have a price tag?


 What is your river worth?

How much is nature worth?  Some believe the only way to preserve nature is to show that it can pay its way in a world driven by money, others disagree saying nature is too precious to be left to the whim of markets. Monty Don discusses if we should put a price tag on nature and if so how do we value it?  (Source:BBC Radio 4)

Listen to the programme on Radio 4's Shared Planet




Britain in Flood


Why are planners allowing homes to be erected in the floodplain? Is the UK government doing enough to protect people from flooding? An investigative BBC Radio 4 programme looks at key flood events from 2012 and interviews three  flood management experts from the Environment Agency.

Image for Britain in Flood

Image from BBC website