Ecological river management: Hydropower plant managers becoming ecosystem managers at the Sustainable Hydropower Conference 2019, Sweden. Ecological river management: Hydropower plant managers becoming ecosystem managers at the Sustainable Hydropower Conference 2019, Sweden. 02 September 2019 1377 ECRR eNews No. 6 1.9.2019
Read about Wild islands, Wild rivers, Riperian vegetation, Clean Water of Russia etc in ECRR TECHNICAL Newsletter Read about Wild islands, Wild rivers, Riperian vegetation, Clean Water of Russia etc in ECRR TECHNICAL Newsletter 05 August 2019 1394 ECRR TECHNICAL Newsletter 1 - 2019
WFD ambitions should not be reduced, but improvements in implementation can be made. WFD ambitions should not be reduced, but improvements in implementation can be made. 26 June 2019 1289 ECRR Network eNews no 5. 26.6.2019
RRC lead partner in Measuring Impact of Citizen Science on NBS. ECRRNetwork eNews n. 4 3.5.2019 RRC lead partner in Measuring Impact of Citizen Science on NBS. ECRRNetwork eNews n. 4 3.5.2019 04 May 2019 1726 ecrrnetwork-enews-no-4-352019
ECRR supports Dam Removal Europe in ECRRNetwork eNews no 3 14.4.2019 ECRR supports Dam Removal Europe in ECRRNetwork eNews no 3 14.4.2019 14 April 2019 1881 ECRRNetwork-eNews-no3 1442019.