
Thames 21 publishes reed bed report


In 2010 Thames 21 visited the Cody Dock Reedbed, close to the mouth of the River Lea (UK), it was instantly clear what a wonderful place it was and how damaged it had become. In amongst the reeds it was beautiful and peaceful, but it was calf-deep in rubbish and Japanese Knotweed had grown across the reedbed, eating out its heart.

As part of the Love the Lea campaign,  Thames 21  commissioned a study into the use of  reedbeds along the Lee (or Lea) Navigation to improve water quality, boost the biodiversity value of the area and improve green space.


The independent report, funded by the Environment Agency, reveals huge potential for reedbeds on the river to boost biodiversity, reduce the effects of pollution and improve the area for social and amenity value within the lower Lee* Catchment. Reedbeds are regarded as one of the most important ecosystems on earth and are sometimes referred to as ‘the kidney of the landscape’ for their important role in filtering pollutants and maintaining fresh water health.




RSPB applauds estuarine habitat creation project in Yorkshire, England


Outstanding success for Yorkshire, England habitat replacement scheme

A project to provide replacement coastal habitat in East Yorkshire is proving an outstanding success from the outset.

The new wetlands scheme, at the mouth of the Humber Estuary near Spurn Point, has recorded a dramatic increase in the number of wading birds.


Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources released


The European Commission recently released its Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources, outlining proposals to ensure better implementation of the EU’s water policy objectives. Several initiatives recognise the benefits of river restoration to improve the ecological status of Europe’s waters.

The Blueprint includes proposals on natural water retention, ecological flows and water accounts, and encourages restoration measures in the River Basin Management Plans and Flood Risk Management Plans submitted by Member States.

View the Blueprint submission by RESTORE and partners: http://www.restorerivers.eu/Publications/tabid/2624/mod/11083/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/3297/Default.aspx

View the Blueprint: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water/blueprint/index_en.htm



