
River Wandle released from captivity in Croydon!


Less than 50 years ago, the River Wandle in South West London was officially a sewer. Last summer it was declared one of England’s 10 most improved rivers, supporting all sorts of wildlife and even spawning trout. One of the most recent projects, nearing completion, is the restoration of a branch of the river through Wandle Park in Croydon which until recently was buried in a culvert. It won’t be long before the newly excavated channel is reconnected to flow freely through the rejuvenated park, for everyone to enjoy.


Fish Live In Trees Too


In a Radio 4 programme aired in April as part of the Nature series, Brett Westwood explored the growing use of coarse woody debris (CWD) in managing rivers.  

 ''According to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, fish live in trees too'', says the BBC Radio 4. ''The Trust's biologists are using wood as a remarkably effective tool to change the depth and flow of streams and improve them for wildlife. They don't just stop at streams either: at the confluence of the Tame and Trent rivers, they've submerged entire willow trees in gravel islands in a project to widen the river channel.



13th Annual Network Conference in Nottingham


A two day conference was hosted by the River Restoration Centre and held at Nottingham University in April. The event presented some of the most cutting edge and innovative ways of achieving river restoration to a 200 strong audience of international environmental experts.

