
Links between WFD and Natura 2000


A new report, prepared by DG Environment, has recently been published addressing the issue of links between the Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC) and Nature Directives (Birds Directive 2009/147/EC and Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC).

This paper compiles some frequently asked questions raised by implementing authorities and stakeholders and provides detailed answers related to the implementation of WFD in Natura 2000 sites.


The document could be downloade from the publication page 

RESTORE – the case study repository is coming…



What is this about? – This article intends to provide readers with an update on the RESTORE river restoration case study repository. Our aim is to create something like a Wikipedia for river restoration projects. By sharing and being able to comment on information about the experiences of river restoration in Europe, ideas for best practice will quickly emerge.This will be achieved by the creation of public website hosting restoration shared knowledge in the form of reference documents, best practice guidance and a repository of case studies.
