
Riversymposium now accepting abstracts!

Riversymposium is inviting oral or session submissions from authors around the world. Abstracts will be reviewed by the International Riversymposium Program Committee and accepted based on criteria including audience appeal and their alignment to the four Riversymposium...

First England River Prize launched !


The Environment Agency and the River Restoration Centre have launched a prize to highlight the importance of a catchment based approach to river restoration and protection.

The England River Prize will be judged by a panel of expertsand will be presented in 2014 at the RRC annual conference to be held in Sheffield on the 7th May. The winner will be supported to apply for the IRF European Riverprize in 2015.

Applications close on...

Every year billions are spent in Britain and Europe on policies that wreck homes and lives through flooding


Digging up trees and digging more drains isn't preventing floods.

In his latest Guardian article, George Monbiot investigates a 'major research programme, which produced the following astonishing results: water sinks into the soil under trees at 67 times the rate at which it sinks into the soil under grass. The roots of the trees provide channels down which the water flows, deep into the ground. The soil there becomes a sponge, a reservoir which sucks up water and then releases it slowly.'

