EUROPEAN RIVER SYMPOSIUM; European Rivers and Wetlands 2021 - REGISTER NOW! EUROPEAN RIVER SYMPOSIUM; European Rivers and Wetlands 2021 - REGISTER NOW! All in the ECRRNetwork eNews #14 | 10 March, 2021 13 March 2021 2653
ERS2021; European Rivers and Wetlands 2021, 26 - 27 May. ERS2021; European Rivers and Wetlands 2021, 26 - 27 May. The EU Biodiversity Strategy and the EU Green Deal Shaping Europe's Water Management 22 November 2020 2037 In continuation to the previous successful European River Symposia, 14 partner institutions active in ecological management of rivers and wetlands are organising the ERS2021: European Rivers and Wetlands 2021.
How to meet the EU Biodiversity Strategy Targets?! How to meet the EU Biodiversity Strategy Targets?! ECRR Technical Newsletter 2 - 2020, November, with 6 exciting demonstrative articles! 18 November 2020 1658
Strategy leading 11th Norwegian River Restoration Seminar Strategy leading 11th Norwegian River Restoration Seminar Strategic objectives with best practice river restoration presentations! 10 October 2020 1641 Anders Iversen of the Norwegian Environment Agency: The seminar, held as a webinar, is a prelude to the Norwegian strategic plan for the restoration of watercourses, to be implemented in the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030
ECRR statement on the EC Biodiversity Strategy 2030 ECRR statement on the EC Biodiversity Strategy 2030 The ECRR is excited to see that freshwater ecosystems are one of the flagship ecosystems in the EU Biodversity Strategy 2030 14 June 2020 1912 The European Commission states that in order to achieve the objectives of the Water Framework Directive, the natural functions of rivers must be restored. The Commission aims to do this by restoring at least 25,000 km of rivers into free-flowing rivers through the removal of primarily obsolete barriers and the restoration of floodplains and wetlands.