
Removing tens of thousands of obsolete dams in Europe will bring life back to rivers, says new report Of DAM REMOVAL EUROPE


With only 40% of Europe's waterways in good ecological condition, a new study published today calls for tens of thouthands of redundnt dams and other barriers removed to help restore rivres ad lakes - boosting wildlife populations and benefiting communities across the continent. An new initiative called Dam Removal Europe aims to start an are of dam removal.

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From Sea to Source 2.0 launched on #worldfishmigrationday; Now available as a free download



This new book released on World Fish Migration Day (April 21) provides a practical guide to tackle the threat of dams and promoting the protection and restoration of fish migration in rivers worldwide. “From sea to source 2.0” is a unique collaboration of over 100 international fisheries professionals and is supported by river managers,...
