
20th anniversary of the European Union’s LIFE programme


 The 20th anniversary of the European Union’s LIFE programme, the first dedicated financial instrument for funding environmental activities, was celebrated at the Europe House in London in May. Launched in 1992, LIFE was timed to coincide with the EU Habitats and Birds Directives coming into force, both aimed at preserving Europe’s biological diversity. 


Jonathan Scheele (Head of UK office for the EU) with Tony Grayling (Head of Climate Change and Communities, Environment Agency) at LIFE 20 years celebration.

Keeping rivers cool - creating riparian shade


Keeping Rivers Cool is a four year (2012-2016) Environment Agency led climate change adaptation project focused on using trees to keep rivers cool. Three pilot catchments have been targeted for the first two years of this project, namely: Wye, Hampshire Avon, Tyne.

Woodlands for Water


 A review by the Forest Research and ADAS, jointly commissioned by the Forestry Commission and the Environment Agency has shown the important role of woodlands in delivering WFD objectives.


A summary of the report is available on the Environment Agency website (here), and the detailed scientific review is available on the Forest Research website (here).
