
River Chelt (UK) restoration attracts much more wildlife


The River Chelt (a tributary of England's largest river, the Severn) is a fantastic haven for wildlife and has benefited this month from restoration.  Over the coming weeks the area will be landscaped and  a new meandering section of river has been created to bypass the Norton Weir.  This will attract more wildlife such as birds, bats, dragonflies and eels.

Letter to the Croation Government on Planned Regulation of the Danube and Threats to “Kopacki Rit” Nature Park


Wetlands International expressed its deep concern about the proposed 53km Danube regulation project in Croatia in a letter to Croatia's Minister for Environment and Nature Protection Mirela Holy. The NGO understands that this regulation would have a severe impact upon the unique river landscape and the most highly valued floodplain area and forests of the entire Danube.

Speech of Wetlands International's CEO Jane Madgwick on the Future of Europe's Rivers


Brussels, Belgium - CEO Jane Madgwick of Wetlands International recently spoke on The Future of Europe’s Waters at a European Parliament Interactive Seminar chaired by MEP Giancarlo Scotta. Other speakers included Nicola Natoro (Directorate General Environment, European Commission), Martin Scheele, (Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission) and Antoine Poupard, of the French Farmer’s Association. The seminar was sponsored by Wetlands International member organisation FACE, the Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU.
