
New EU rules on water quality


ends reports:

'Member states must begin to monitor levels of three pharmaceutical substances in water by September 2015, under a new directive.'

Room for the River as antidote to Europe’s flood woes


By Paul Brotherton

As part of a training course on river restoration sponsored by the RESTORE project, I recently visited the Waal River, a main branch of the Rhine River, flowing through the Netherlands. Here the Dutch are making ‘Room for the River’, restoring floodplains to reduce the risks of floods and creating benefits for people and nature. On the heels of recent catastrophic floods in Central Europe, this approach deserves a closer look if Europe is to meet many of its growing environmental and social policy challenges, including climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.


LIFE+ RII start!


 The LIFE+ RII project (LIFE11 ENV/IT/000243 “Riqualificazione integrata idraulico-ambientale dei RII appartenenti alla fascia pedemontana dell’Emilia Romagna”) has start its activities.

Is the Habitats Directive placing 'ridiculous costs on UK businesses'?


The question of whether or not the UK should remain in Europe is currently vexing the nation. But in an article in The Guardian Tony Juniper, argues that PM Cameron's EU speech on the issue indicated there might be disastrous consequences for the environment if we opt out.

