
Following BBC news do you want to know more about the Medlock or Sutcliffe Park?

The UK’s rivers are in the best shape they have been for two decades but there is still more to do. The Environment Agency is working with organisations all over the country to restore rivers that have been lost or forgotten.  Europe has set tough standards for improving rivers but these targets are important drivers for change. Restored rivers rejuvenate neighbourhoods for local communities, help fish and wildlife and reduce flood risk.

New EU rules on water quality


ends reports:

'Member states must begin to monitor levels of three pharmaceutical substances in water by September 2015, under a new directive.'

Room for the River as antidote to Europe’s flood woes


By Paul Brotherton

As part of a training course on river restoration sponsored by the RESTORE project, I recently visited the Waal River, a main branch of the Rhine River, flowing through the Netherlands. Here the Dutch are making ‘Room for the River’, restoring floodplains to reduce the risks of floods and creating benefits for people and nature. On the heels of recent catastrophic floods in Central Europe, this approach deserves a closer look if Europe is to meet many of its growing environmental and social policy challenges, including climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.


LIFE+ RII start!


 The LIFE+ RII project (LIFE11 ENV/IT/000243 “Riqualificazione integrata idraulico-ambientale dei RII appartenenti alla fascia pedemontana dell’Emilia Romagna”) has start its activities.
