
Woodlands for Water


 A review by the Forest Research and ADAS, jointly commissioned by the Forestry Commission and the Environment Agency has shown the important role of woodlands in delivering WFD objectives.


A summary of the report is available on the Environment Agency website (here), and the detailed scientific review is available on the Forest Research website (here).

Safeguarding Europe’s Waters - submission to the European Commission

RESTORE and several partners have made a submission to the European Commission’s public consultation process to Safeguard Europe's waters. Our analysis highlighted the importance of river restoration and green infrastructure for improving the health of Europe's waters and the role networks such as RESTORE partnership for ecological river restoration can play in achieving these goals. Given RESTORE’s role in sharing river restoration knowledge and strengthening networks, we hope to further engage with the Commission throughout the Blueprint process.


RESTORE and Green Week, The Water Challenge, Brussels May 2012


 Green Week is Europe’s biggest annual conference on the environment. This year’s event, which explored the EU’s approach to water policy was attended by Toni Scarr (Project Manager RESTORE), Chris Baker (RESTORE Communications lead), Bart Fokkens (Chairman ECCR) and Philip Weller (ICDPR). 

Submission on Policy Options for the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s waters


RESTORE and several partners with an interest in European water policy made the following submission to the European Commission's Consultation on Policy Options for the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's waters. We highlight the importance of river restoration and green infrastructure for improving the health of Europe's waters and the role our networks can play in achieving these goals.

Fish Live In Trees Too


In a Radio 4 programme aired in April as part of the Nature series, Brett Westwood explored the growing use of coarse woody debris (CWD) in managing rivers.  

 ''According to Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, fish live in trees too'', says the BBC Radio 4. ''The Trust's biologists are using wood as a remarkably effective tool to change the depth and flow of streams and improve them for wildlife. They don't just stop at streams either: at the confluence of the Tame and Trent rivers, they've submerged entire willow trees in gravel islands in a project to widen the river channel.


