
Links between WFD and Natura 2000


A new report, prepared by DG Environment, has recently been published addressing the issue of links between the Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC) and Nature Directives (Birds Directive 2009/147/EC and Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC).

This paper compiles some frequently asked questions raised by implementing authorities and stakeholders and provides detailed answers related to the implementation of WFD in Natura 2000 sites.


The document could be downloade from the publication page 

Draft water resources planning guideline


The Environment Agency (UK) is carrying out the following consultion:

Water companies are required by law to prepare and revise their 25 year water resources management plans every five years. Since the last round of plans were completed, they have worked with the English and Welsh Governments, Ofwat and the water industry to review and improve the guideline that companies must follow in preparing their plans.  Companies will be required to follow the guideline when producing their new plans in 2014.


Restoring Rivers by Restoring Flooding


Brian Richter of The Nature Conservancy and University of Virginia in Water Currents



'The Army Corps of Engineers is making floods' says Brian Richter. See full article on the National Geographic website.


It’s true.  I’ve seen them doing it.  They’ve been doing it for years.  And it’s a very good thing for fish, frogs, mussels, wetlands, and local communities that depend on the bounty of healthy river systems and estuaries for their livelihoods and economies.


As part of a decade-long partnership called the Sustainable Rivers Project, the Corps and The Nature Conservancy are collaborating in eight river basins across the U.S. to modify dam operations for the benefit of downstream river and estuary health.  In five of those basins – the Savannah River in Georgia and South Carolina, the Green River of Kentucky, the Bill Williams River of Arizona, the Big Cypress Bayou of Texas, and the Willamette River in Oregon – the Corps is releasing ‘designer floods’ from their dams.

You may be surprised to learn that floods can be good for people and nature.  That’s not what you hear from a media fixated on death and destruction — and to be sure, big floods like last year’s on the Mississippi provide plenty of those stories.


But river scientists hold a different – or at least a more balanced — perspective of floods.
