
A beeline across the green roofs of the City of London


A short video of the roofscape of London from Dusty Gedge. He writes that over the last 15 years green roofs have started to flourish making a bumblebees imaginary journey through the City one of plenty. Pollination sources are starting to abound, nectar can be harvested. Whilst at the same time all these roofs will help London to adapt to Climate Change - reducing the impact of flash storms, cooling the city, reducing air pollution and making it a better place for humans too.


Find out more about how the AMICE project has costed the impact of future floods


Quantification of the impacts of future floods on the economy in the transnational Meuse basin.

A goal within the AMICE project is the "Quantification of the impacts of future floods on the economy in the transnational Meuse basin“. In the summaries and reports, the method for flood risk calculation is developed and outlined. The results are presented both at international and regional level.

see attached for reports: http://www.amice-project.eu/en/news.php?refactu=95

Is the Habitats Directive placing 'ridiculous costs on UK businesses'?


The question of whether or not the UK should remain in Europe is currently vexing the nation. But in an article in The Guardian Tony Juniper, argues that PM Cameron's EU speech on the issue indicated there might be disastrous consequences for the environment if we opt out.


January 2013 Bulletin


In RESTORE's January bulletin: we are now on Twitter,  a forthcoming lunchtime talk in Brussels and an update on  Italy.

