
International Conference Towards the Best Practice of River Restoration and Maintenance, 21-23 September 2016, Kraków, Poland


The conference aims to bring together river scientists, engineers and practitioners to share and discuss recent scientific research on river functioning, river status evaluation and various aspects of river restoration. It is also the opportunity to exchange experience on environment-friendly river restoration, especally with regard to flood risk management and nature protection. Contributions are welcome on any aspect of river restoration and maintenance, including presentations of...

Date change! European River Symposium 2016; 2 - 3 March 2016 Vienna Austria ! Rivers in Europe; Best practices of River Basin Management, Partners for Rivers


The symposium is an unique opportunity to celebrate rivers, to meet with river stakeholders from many countries and sectors, and to learn about challenges and opportunities on rivers across Europe. The River SYmposium will include the European RiverPrize gala at the Vienna City Hall, at which the European RiverPrize winner will be announced.

Novel Approaches to Assess and Rehabilitate Modified Rivers


The FP7 project REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management (http://www.reformrivers.eu/ ) is pleased to announce the dates for its International Conference on Novel Approaches to Assess and Rehabilitate Modified Rivers, which will take place in Wageningen, The Netherlands, on 30 June to 2 July 2015.

It will serve as a platform to present and discuss aspirations, challenges,...

Every year billions are spent in Britain and Europe on policies that wreck homes and lives through flooding


Digging up trees and digging more drains isn't preventing floods.

In his latest Guardian article, George Monbiot investigates a 'major research programme, which produced the following astonishing results: water sinks into the soil under trees at 67 times the rate at which it sinks into the soil under grass. The roots of the trees provide channels down which the water flows, deep into the ground. The soil there becomes a sponge, a reservoir which sucks up water and then releases it slowly.'