
Bookings open - Spatial Planning RESTORE Workshop (March 2012)


Click on this news feature for details about the upcoming Spatial Planning RESTORE Workshop in Arnhem. If you are interested in booking a place on the event, contact Di Hammond at the River Restoration Centre to confirm your attendance (di@therrc.co.uk). 

Planning permission sought for major new wildlife habitat on the Tees Estuary, UK


A planning application to create important new habitat for birds on the Tees Estuary has been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council by the Environment Agency.


The £2.3 million scheme to create 22 hectares of inter-tidal saltmarsh and mudflat at Greatham Creek will compensate for the loss of similar habitats across the Tees Estuary  - and also at Redcar - which will be lost over time due to rising sea levels.


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