
3rd International Conference I.S. Rivers 4>8 June 2018 Lyon France; Abstracts Call Launched.


Submit a scientific  contribution, case study or prospective contribution, to share your results and experiences with international research professionals and river managers.

Submit a declaration of intent by October 15th, then your extended abstract by November 20th latetst!

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Deadline for abstracts extended until May 1, 2017; Symposium Adaptation of Inland Fisheries and Aqua Culture to Climate Change 3-6 September 2017 in Stare Jablonki, Poland


Europen Inland Fisheries and Aqua Culture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) invites you to to a symposium Adaptation of Inland Fisheries and Aqua Culture to Climate Change that will take place 3-6 September in Stare Jablonki, Poland's beautifull lake area. The symposium organizer is S. Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in Poland.

You can find more information on the the website