
Calling all planners !


The RESTORE team is busily writing a handbook about river restoration for spatial planners and developers who do not have a background in this subject. It will be a practical summary of our approach and will explain what we want to achieve, why it is important and how we do it to get the best results. 

If you are a planner we would love to have your help in shaping this handbook so we can produce the information you really need. 

If you'd like to help please contact us on: restore@environment-agency.gov.uk



Restoring London’s Rivers


Restoring London’s Rivers - 26/10/2012

for presentations goto our slideshare site


The effective restoration of London’s rivers can provide improved natural habitats for wildlife and a better space for human recreation. Designed imaginatively, they can also even help to reduce crime and the fear of crime and contribute to a higher quality of life for all.

Those were some of the key messages to emerge from yesterday morning’s breakfast talk at NLA on Restoring London’s Rivers.

River Wandle released from captivity in Croydon!


Less than 50 years ago, the River Wandle in South West London was officially a sewer. Last summer it was declared one of England’s 10 most improved rivers, supporting all sorts of wildlife and even spawning trout. One of the most recent projects, nearing completion, is the restoration of a branch of the river through Wandle Park in Croydon which until recently was buried in a culvert. It won’t be long before the newly excavated channel is reconnected to flow freely through the rejuvenated park, for everyone to enjoy.


Rio Ram: hydropower or biosphere?


Ram river is an extraordinary watercourse in Val Müstair: clean water, a close to natural river system and a great diversity of plants and animals. Many are also the interests at stake: hydropower, nature protection, tourism. Now inhabitants have to decide decide whether Switzerland and Italy will travel common paths on river management.