
13th Annual Network Conference in Nottingham


A two day conference was hosted by the River Restoration Centre and held at Nottingham University in April. The event presented some of the most cutting edge and innovative ways of achieving river restoration to a 200 strong audience of international environmental experts.


Bookings open - Spatial Planning RESTORE Workshop (March 2012)


Click on this news feature for details about the upcoming Spatial Planning RESTORE Workshop in Arnhem. If you are interested in booking a place on the event, contact Di Hammond at the River Restoration Centre to confirm your attendance (di@therrc.co.uk). 

Interactive water maps updated


 Interactive maps displaying data on surface and groundwater bodies across Europe have been updated by the European Environment Agency (EEA). They include summary statistics at country and river basin district level. The data comes from River Basin Management Plans reported by Member States to the Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Currently, 22 Member States have submitted this information.