
UNESCO book: River Restoration; A strategic approach to planning and management


The book consits of two parts:

Part A provides an overview of the history and evolution of river restoration, it sets out a framework for planning and implementing river restoration, and it adresses some key principles, issues, and methods for restoring rivers in the wider context of water resource management and river basin planning.

Part B includes more detailed discussions of techniques and approaches to river restoration, including...

Date change! European River Symposium 2016; 2 - 3 March 2016 Vienna Austria ! Rivers in Europe; Best practices of River Basin Management, Partners for Rivers


The symposium is an unique opportunity to celebrate rivers, to meet with river stakeholders from many countries and sectors, and to learn about challenges and opportunities on rivers across Europe. The River SYmposium will include the European RiverPrize gala at the Vienna City Hall, at which the European RiverPrize winner will be announced.